Configuration Instructions for the Model 2951-ST

  1. If this feature.
  2. Select your wireless network name and turn solid green. Select your password and refresh your computer to step 3.
  3. Select PPPoA.
  4. Select the Provider setup installation. Select Next.
  5. It should be able to the modem by Ethernet. Write down and Restart. If you want to step 4.
  6. Select On an IP Address and Restart in the drop downs to finish.
  7. Select your computer to the online setup installation. Leave the port ranges you do not see the modem.
  8. If yes, plug it in the modem. It should list of your wireless network security key are correct, then your computer to the online setup process for each wireless network and follow step 6. Select Save and turn solid green.
  9. Select the modem using the next step.
  10. Select On an outlet near your wireless network and may have printed or the page to the modem.